News | Halon

What’s cooking for the upcoming 3.4-r4 release – Halon

Written by Jonas Falck | Jan 20, 2016 11:00:00 PM

I just love hanging with our tech and R&D team; getting insight and early info about what’s cooking underneath the hood. Recently I had a chat with our lead developer, Erik Lax, who showed me a preview of the upcoming 3.4-r4 release.

The next release will include lots of new features and improvements, of which one specifically caught my attention; cache insights in the user interface via the new hslCache() SOAP function. It’s a great way to explore and analyse cache efficiency, as well as invalidate entires.

Our unique caching mechanism enables our customers to cache any function call to improve performance, reduce latency and increase robustness. Just imagine what you can do; the sky is the limit. It’s one of those features that is highly appreciated by our customers, since it avoids hammering external systems and servers. Here is a screenshot of the new upcoming cache activity page:

It shows functions, processes (contexts), entries, hit rate and detailed statistics. Caches can be cleared either local or all over the cluster.