event, business | Jun 26, 2017
The summer is here and business go into a slower mode. But that also meads plenty of time to prepare...
releases, tech | Jun 4, 2017
We’ve shipped the 4.1 “teamy” release, and we’re happy to see that the majority of our users have al...
security, spam, tech | May 22, 2017
We are excited to announce that Halon now provides official integration with Spamhaus Technology ant...
press, business | May 15, 2017
American serial entrepreneur David Chartier has agreed to become an advisor for Halon. David has bee...
event | Apr 6, 2017
Halon are attending Telco Cloud Forum in London on April 25-26. Our CTO Anders Berggren will partici...
security, tech | Apr 3, 2017
The Safe Link technology was recently launched by Microsoft through Office 365. The goal of this tec...
press, business | Mar 23, 2017
Halon is thrilled to announce the addition of Mark Weiler, currently SVP of Engineering at Rubicon P...
releases, tech | Mar 5, 2017
Halon 4.0 a.k.a. “forty” is around the corner, and it has a strong focus on developer friendliness a...
business | Feb 13, 2017
Jonas Falck eat, sleep and breath Halon. As a co-founder, product developer and evangelist, he is es...