| Sep 3, 2015
It’s hard to make the perfect website. Not just from a user-friendly and graphically creative way, b...
| Aug 5, 2015
Multiplexing the SOAP requests in the web administration is important, because typical installations...
| Aug 2, 2015
Had a great time as always, thank you all for coming! If you want to get in contact or you need more...
press | Jul 27, 2015
San Francisco, Calif., July 28th, 2015. DuoCircle, a global email service provider and Halon Securit...
press | Jul 26, 2015
San Francisco, Calif., July 27th, 2015. One.com, a global hosting provider and Halon Security, a lea...
| Jul 20, 2015
As we’ve previously mentioned Halon Security will be exhibiting at HostingCon Global, taking place o...
| Jul 5, 2015
Yesterday the ISPA Awards took place in the City of London. The Award is run by UK’s Internet Servic...
| Jun 25, 2015
Halon has its headquarter in Sweden, but of course we are represented all over the world. This week ...
| Jun 8, 2015
This year we get to travel to the fantastic city of San Diego, with its +70 miles of marvelous coast...